Haberdashers Crayford Primary School (New Term)

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Haberdashers Crayford Primary School (New Term) Jan 13 at 15:15 to Feb 14 at 16:30
Dates for Year R-6 Handball - 14/01/24 , 21/01/24 , 28/01/24 , 04/02/24 , 11/02/24 , 25/02/24 , 04/03/24 , 11/03/24 , 18/03/24 , 25/03/24 , 01/04/24

Dates for KS1 Football - 15/01/24 , 22/01/24 , 29/01/24 , 05/02/24 , 12/02/24 , 26/02/24 , 05/03/24 , 12/03/24 , 19/03/24 , 26/03/24 , 02/04/24

Dates for KS2 Football -
16/01/24 , 23/01/24 , 30/01/24 , 06/02/24 , 13/02/24 , 27/02/24 , 06/03/24 , 13/03/24 , 20/03/24 , 27/03/24 , 03/04/24
Find Haberdashers' Crayford Primary School on Google Maps

Iron Mill Lane, Crayford, Kent, DA1 4RS

Total £0.00

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